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New Content

Hi There,

We are always updating you with new jokes and humors, as we are working hard to deliver you great content and only the best ones.

If you think same like us and wants to share your experience, thoughts or anything you think people will find it interesting, then we are there for you. We will give you the platform to share your experience.

To submit a story/review/joke, please use our contact forms and if it really interesting, we will post your content with a link you want us to put and you will get a chance to be an author of this blog!

So don’t delay and send us your content. We will be happy to post it in our blog.

Please like and share this so more people can participate

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Laughter is a Medicine

This site is for people who wants to take a break from their daily life and enjoy some funny stuff. Research says, if you laugh once in whole day, you lower the chance of having a heart attack. So stay happy and laugh with our site content. Please do not forget to like and share our Facebook page to your friends, so that they can also benefit by staying happy