The dawn of twenty-first century witnessed the onset of denouement and as a word of honor ever since the advent of electronic media technology progressed in leaps and bounds. Leaving enough room for virtual world to capture the real world and in no time, the world has now conglomerated into a global hub of chat rooms, Matchmaking sites, business, photography, promotional events, appointments for medical treatment, freelancing, window-shopping and even education could not escape from the clutches of scientific expertise.
The virtual world not only connects people to other people across the globe but also disconnects them from their immediate surroundings. Children and teenagers stick to gizmos all day long; they seldom relish the joy of playing out into the wild and explore the rustic pleasures of the sensational world. Their world has reduced to computers and cell phones where they have access to Education, money, entertainment and above all their fellow mates. Youngsters seldom care to live in the moment and end up capturing moments in the camera, to let the world know about their whereabouts.
Formerly the idiot box has the potential to generate positive and negative vibes and over the years, it turned out to be the mirror of the world. Television is the most common, easily available source of entertainment accessible worldwide but some people tag along with the misleading plots without second thoughts as presented by the media. It leaves a child hovering with doubt and uncertainty for it is difficult for a juvenile to strain out the epistle out of the complicated plot structure.
Programs that decode the anecdote of felony often without lewd intention end up helping a law-breaker to find loopholes and get away with retribution. Children should not watch anything and everything without proper adult supervision. Exposure to television and computer screens for too long may lead to loss of proper eyesight, increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, altered sleeping patterns, it also poses a risk of obesity, diabetes and it often leads to attention deficit disorder.
The uncontrollable Technology
Technology is a rage today, over the years, it has refined the way we interact with each other, the vastness of internet fortifies that there is no restraint on the scope of information; such circumstances may lead to children and adolescents bumping into obscene, harmful, or graphic websites that may give way to a crippled mindset. Cyber bullying is yet another growing trend among social media websites and it leaves an indelible imprint in the mind of victims. Social Media can adversely affect a child’s ability to develop a strong inter-personal relationship and the avalanche of information can mold ones frame of mind in the way one perceives the information and the way one reacts to it or uses to the full potential to draw benefits out of the information acquired.
However, there is a flip side to technology as well, it helps youngsters and kids connect with family and friends, it helps them to delve deep into matters concerning their interest exchange ideas and be aware of what is going around them. Tests like Olympiads help to scale the IQ of children and adolescents and bring out the best in them worldwide thereby providing an effective platform for enhancing knowledge. Social-media helps motivate children to get better at communication and encourages freedom of self-expression.
Technology and its adverse effects
The whack of telecommunication on our social, mental, physical and environmental health can be catastrophic if we do not keep ourselves within the boundary. There is no denying that the benefits we have gained from technological advancements are a blessing in disguise but as with all things in life, moderation is the key. Being aware of the baleful facet of the overuse of integrated circuitry will help to skip out on unmerited pitfalls and hence we must calibrate our own sails with the fast-moving wave of cybernetics.