Father’s Day

Father – yet another important figure in our life.

On this Father’s Day make them happy, we often forget the contribution of a father. Fathers are always overshadowed, but i strongly believe that they are the foundation of any family. They just burn themselves like a candle to earn for the family, make the family happy and protect them from any odds.

To me, father is like the big oak tree under which we feel safe and comfortable from any wind or rains. Many of you think that mothers are closer to the children, family and fathers have very little contribution but let me tell you guys, a family gets going well only when there is a compassionate father around you looking after almost everything. Both mother and father has the valuable contribution on a family. As a child, we will not be ever able to evaluate or repay their contributions both in quality or quantity. We can only serve them as many times God allows you to do so. Always remember, you would not have become what you are now today without them which includes both father and mother.

On this father’s day try to give a gift to your father, a gift from you will definitely make him very happy and thoughtful. if you do not have money, then at least wish him “happy father’s day”. you can’t imagine how happy he will be.

I really like this animation which sums up the importance of father in our life.

Here are some history about the father’s day origination (Source: wiki)


Until 20th century, Father’s day was not celebrated in US outside Catholic religion. Earlier the feast of saint Joseph (referred to as nourisher of the lord) was considered as the father’s day and it was celebrated on 19th march and it was celebrated during 14th or 15th century.

Father’s day was inaugurated to complement mother’s day. The first father’s day was held on 5th July. There were several attempts were made to make this official until Harry C Meek, a member of lions Clubs International claims that 3rd Sunday of June was chosen as it was his birthday as early as 1915. Meek was named as “Originator of father’s day” and has put on efforts to make it an official holiday.


Father’s day celebration varies from country to country as and when it was established. To see a complete list follow here 

So guys what do you think about your father? Do share any story if you have


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